EHOC 2019

Nursing Program

Program is subject to be updated. Please contact secretariat concerning your questions about the scientific sessions

EHOC 2019 Nursing program is supported by EBMT UK NAP

8 OCTOBER 2019

11.20 - 11.30 OPENING REMARKS - Serpil Vieira - Medine Yilmaz
11.30 - 12.00 SESSION I CHAIRS: Medine Yılmaz & Rose Ellard
11.30 - 11.50 Mucositis: Mouth Care Guidance and Support in Cancer and Palliative Care Barry Quin
11.50 - 12.00 Q & A
12.00 - 13.00 LUNCH
13.00 - 14.15 SESSION II CHAIRS: Serpil Vieira - Sule Menziletoglu Yildiz
13.00 - 13.20 The Nurse and Patient Partnership in Lymphomas Erik Aerts
13.20 - 13.40 Leukaemia Rose Ellard
13.40 - 14.00 Managing Multiple Myeloma: What Nurses and Healthcare Professionals Need to Know Erik Aerts
14.00 - 14.15 Q & A
14.15 - 14.45 COFFEE BREAK
14.45 - 15.35 SESSION III CHAIRS: Rose Ellard - Ebru Törüner
14.45 - 15.00 Therapeutic use of apheresis in Haematology/ Transplant Setting Christine Fernandez
15.00 - 15.15 Apheresis in Paediatric setting & nursing issues  Chrissy Anderson
15.15 - 15.25 Cell Collections for Gene Therapy: Current Trends Christine Fernandez & Chrissy Anderson
15.25 - 15.35 Q & A
15.35 - 16.50 SESSION IV CHAIRS: Christine Fernandez - Fatih Erbey
15.35 - 15.55 Therapuetic Communication in Adolescents Ebru Törüner
15.55 - 16.15 Palliative care in Paediatrics Hilda Mekelenkamp
16.15 - 16.35 Palliative care & how to support nurses Barry Quin
16.35 - 16.50 Q & A
16.50 - 17.20 COFFEE BREAK
17.20 - 19.00 SESSION V CHAIRS: Eugenia Trigosa - Medine Yilmaz
17.20 - 17.40 Thalassemia and Nursing Considerations Eugenia Trigosa
17.40 - 18.00 Transplant Coordinator Role within Paediatrics and Issues Eugenia Trigosa
18.00 - 18.20 Fertility Preservation Fatih Erbey
18.20 - 18.40 Haplo BMT & Nursing Care Marjola Gjergji
18.40 - 19.00 Q & A